Then, xz or bzip2 is taking stdin from the pipe (the stdout of the previous command) and acting as a filter. In all cases what's going on is pv is taking the input file/device and spamming it to stdout, while providing a progress report to stderr. Restoring was just as easy # pv | xz -d > /dev/sdb

This is what worked most quickly: $ sudo su I'm trying out Ubuntu MATE on my Raspberry Pi 2, and I wanted to backup my SD card and write the new one, but I hate running a big IO without knowing what's going on. If you want to see progress, and also don't mind the command line, PV is your friend. Data display will be average data rate, a progress bar, %completed, and ETA to completion. Your user will own the file rescue.dd since the second invocation of dd which writes the output file is owned by your user, not root. Where /dev/sdX is the device name of the drive you want to copy and 99999 is the size of the device in MiB (not MB). To get a handy progress bar and the ETA to completion, pipe the dd command through pv: sudo dd if=/dev/sdX | pv -s 99999m -bpae | dd of=rescue.dd You may need to change the ownership of rescue.dd since it will be owned by root. Where /dev/sdx will need to be changed to the actual device name that you are copying. In its simplest for the command for copying the disk to the file rescue.dd in the current directory is: sudo dd if=/dev/sdx of=rescue.dd Which will display the drives attached to the system and their size in MiB. Both of these can be found by issuing the command sudo fdisk -l Two things you will need to know before proceeding are the device name of the drive you are copying and its real size. The point of making a bit copy at this point is to enable recovery without putting the data at further risk. Anything you do to the drive has the potential to overwrite deleted data or to cause further damage to the file system. The drive that you are copying does not need to be mounted, and if you are recovering data from a damaged drive it is a good idea if it is not mount in read/write mode. You can use pipe viewer (pv) in conjunction with dd to show a progress bar and the ETA to completion. The simplest method is to use dd but the common complaint is that dd gives no progress bar when copying a large disk.